Fundraising Thermometer

Inspire giving and visualize your goals with a live display updating your campaign’s progress.

Fundraising thermometer

Encourage Campaign Participation & Recognize Donors

Engage by Cell’s Fundraising Thermometer adds excitement to any event or campaign, inspiring donors through a live feed. The thermometer rises as you get closer to reaching your fundraising goal. Donors get to see their names and contributions in real-time, motivating and acknowledging participation.

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Build Excitement And increase Donations.

Donors see the call-to-action and goal amount on a projection screen.
The display shows time and dollars remaining until the target is reached.
The thermometer bar rises and donors are acknowledged in real-time.


Fully customizable.

Use a pre-set templates or design the fundraising thermometer from scratch.

Leverage other tools.

Leverage our credit card or carrier-based donation services.

Unique messaging.

Ask donors to pair their gift with a shout-out or a personal note that also displays live.

Donor recognition.

Acknowledge pledged amounts or completed donations.

“We specifically wanted the [fundraising] thermometer to recognize those who gave and to create the visual excitement toward reaching the goal.”

Director of Development
Prevent Blindness

Don’t see what you’re looking for? We’ll build it for you!

Our engineering team will create a custom solution just for you. We can also integrate into any software through our open API.

Reach out today to learn more about custom engineering!

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