About us
In a world of constant distractions, the fastest way to connect with any individual is through their mobile device.
Engage by Cell helps capture the immediate attention of any audience by delivering cloud-based solutions that improve communication, increase productivity, and create effective engagement.
We've helped thousands of organizations through mobile technology.
What is mobile engagement?
Engage by Cell’s unique platform combines the instant communication of text messaging with the flexibility of mobile web app development.
Our clients are diverse: cultural venues engaging visitors with a smartphone tour, workforce development agencies reaching out to jobseekers, managers sharing training content, HR professionals distributing benefit information, and nonprofits collecting donations via text message. New use cases are born everyday.

Engage by Cell has a history of developing technology that fits the unique needs of their clients. Our platform combines the instant communication of text messaging with the flexibility of mobile web app development.

With 85% of adults carrying a smartphone everywhere they go, our mobile technology induces higher efficiency, increases productivity, improves customer service, and creates effective communication in and out of the workplace.
With an easy, no-code drag and drop interface, our mobile solutions are implemented within a few days without the need of an IT department. Accessed via text message, QR code, or link, audiences love our no-downloads-required mobile web apps.
How We Became Engage by Cell

Dave Asheim launches Guide by Cell, a mobile technology company catering to cultural venues.

Guide by Cell’s main product is an audio guide platform that merges audio files with IVR technology.
Inspired by the success of the text-to-give campaign for Haiti earthquake relief, Guide by Cell adds a new division.

Give by Cell provides mobile fundraising tools for nonprofits.

Give by Cell becomes an exclusive partner of the Mobile Giving Foundation which expands Give’s product line to offer carrier-based mobile donations.

Seeking wider audiences, Guide by Cell developers create a drag-and-drop mobile web authoring tool that organizations can use for employee training.
This technology spawns the Train by Cell division.

Human resources professionals take notice of Train by Cell’s mobile training tools and the platform expands to include mobile websites for recruiting, onboarding, benefits, and employee communication.
These engagement solutions marketed to HR departments were sold under a new division known as Engage by Cell.

To simplify brand recognition and modernize our online presence, all four divisions were combined into one company with one website: Engage by Cell.

About Our CEO & Founder
Dave Asheim is the founder and CEO of Engage by Cell. After completing a bachelor’s degree in finance and an MBA from the University of Illinois, Dave worked in leadership roles at iHello, Well Engaged, Flex Products, and Continental Bank. A natural entrepreneur, Dave has been the vision behind many of the mobile solutions offered by Engage by Cell today.
He is a frequent speaker at conferences including the Association for Talent Development, Society of Human Resource Managers, the American Museum Membership Conference, the Smithsonian, and the National Park and Recreation Association.
Have Dave speak at your conference.

Partner With Us
Engage by Cell’s technology partner program is designed for companies that offer complementary solutions. Through our strategic partnerships, we aim to create great co-marketing and co-selling programs to drive mutual growth.
Some of our current partners are:

Join us for one of our events
Engage by Cell hosts free 30-minute webinars several times a month addressing a variety of topics. Come learn and network with professionals in your industry.

Join our team
Become a member of our expanding team of mobile solutions experts. We’re always looking for individuals passionate about tech and solving problems.
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